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Welcome to the Appleby Primary School Curriculum pages. At the heart of everything that we do is our school vision that Appleby Primary School is:
At Appleby Primary School we strongly believe that it is important to instil a sense of curiosity and wonder and a love of learning in all of our pupils, which will continue with them throughout their life. We have high expectations of all of our pupils, whatever their starting points. Our aim is to provide an excellent education for all of our students; an education which fosters a love of learning and gives them a good understanding of the world around us as well as ensuring the best academic progress for every child and preparing them for success in later life.
We are constantly challenging ourselves to develop a curriculum which will inspire and challenge our pupils. Underpinning our planning and delivery of the curriculum is a recognition of the importance of instilling in children a spirit of enjoyment and enquiry and inspiring a love of learning. We believe that learning should be memorable; that children are able to make connections across their learning and with the wider world and that the experiences children have in school empower them to become clear and independent thinkers, decision makers and well-rounded future citizens.
In these pages you will learn about the aims and intent of our curriculum and details of how these are achieved through a rich a deep delivery of each curriculum subject.