It is our aim that all children should reach their full potential and a variety of teaching strategies are used to fulfil this aim, as all classes have mixed age groups and ability levels. Therefore, depending on the activity and the needs of the children they may work individually, in ability groups, friendship groups, mixed ability groups, or as a class. Teaching children individually allows each child to work from an individual programme suited to their needs. Working in a group gives the child valuable opportunities to formulate ideas with pupils of similar ability through discussion and to practice organising his/her study within a group.
Class teaching also allows pupils to report back to everyone about the work they have been doing and the teacher is able to draw together the various aspects of work the class has been engaged upon and invite discussion. We pay particular attention to each child’s individual needs and whether the children are working on their own, or in groups, their progress is monitored closely.
Through effective teaching our staff employ the latest technology to support learning and engage our pupils.
In the FOUNDATION UNIT, Nursery and Reception children follow an Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum (EYFS) which provides an appropriate foundation for the National Curriculum. When children are admitted to school they will be at different stages of development and there may be quite large differences in what they are able to do. The class teacher will begin work with each individual from the stage he/she has reached. Our skilled and experienced teachers employ an innovative approach of ‘In the moment planning’ to personalise learning for each individual child. This allows the teacher to ensure that pupils engage with the next steps of their learning through a blend of building on their interests and introducing new experiences.
When children start Year One, they enter Key Stage 1. The class teacher will work with each individual from the stage he/she has reached. From Year 1, pupils follow National Curriculum guidelines however the class teacher will organise the curriculum into a variety of themes and projects best suited to the needs and interests of the individual pupils in her care.
In the Junior Classes (Key Stage 2) children experience a creative curriculum and teachers seek to make effective links across the curriculum to help place children’s learning in context. Children work in ability groups for teaching in English and mathematics and teaching and learning is carefully planned to ensure that every individual reaches their full potential.