At Appleby Primary School, we strive to create a culture both around school and in the wider community, that aims to inspire an active generation who enjoy physical activity and who support and encourage each other and achieve. As a school, we provide a safe and supportive environment for children to flourish in a range of different physical activities which is essential in supporting their physical, emotional, social and moral development. We have implemented a high-quality, inclusive curriculum that inspires all pupils to succeed and excel across all areas of physical education, competitive sport, and other physically demanding activities. It is rich, varied, imaginative and ambitious and meets the needs of individual learners but can easily be adapted for pupils with additional needs. Through regular formative and summative assessment, tasks are matched to the ability of each child through differentiated activities, providing a level of challenge that is stimulating for pupils.
Our approach to the PE is that it is specifically timetabled into our school week to ensure both depth and rigour of the all the key areas of the curriculum. As a school, we have outlined the progression of all children throughout their time within primary education and the further development when the children progress into secondary education by identifying and implementing the links to Key Stage 3. The key concepts, principles and themes from the National Curriculum have been developed into a range of progressive skills through which the children are helped to grow and develop to succeed within both school and the outside world. This skill-based curriculum allows a creative way of teaching and learning, enabling us to deliver a more practical and engaging curriculum, which meets both the academic and pastoral needs of all our pupils.
At Appleby Primary School, we have developed an all-inclusive range of sporting opportunities, in school and in extra-curricular groups such as: football, rugby, hockey, tennis, cross country running, orienteering, cricket, dodgeball, gymnastics, dance and multi-sports, that offer the children a wide-variety opportunity of to access sports that they may not have access to outside of school time. The PE curriculum at Appleby Primary School provides children with a relevant, coherent, progressive knowledge of the fundamental movements, skills and the further links to health and well-being. These are explored through:
In addition to high quality PE lessons with their class teacher the children are taught regularly by the external sports coaches from the Eden Valley Sports Partnership and Action Ants (EYFS), who are qualified to deliver the highest quality physical education curriculum. The sports instructors deliver lessons from Reception to Year 6. The curriculum is further enhanced by the dedication to our extra-curricular clubs and the opportunity to take part in organised sporting tournaments and competitions with other schools in the area. We follow the guidelines set by the national curriculum to ensure we offer a range of PE activities that allow each child to feel challenged and offer opportunities to progress further.
In the summer term the children in Years 2, 3 and 4 have swimming lessons delivered by external swimming instructors . Any children in Year 5 & 6 who are not confident and independent swimmers will also have swimming lessons in the summer term.
Adventurous Outdoor Activities
Forest school is an integral part of our teaching in EYFS where children have the opportunity to learn confidently and safely in an outdoor environment.
Our Year 3 children attended a mountain skills workshop in the summer term where they learn key skills that will help them to enjoy adventurous activities safely. In Year 4 they progress to a local mountain walk with experienced mountain leaders and progressively more challenging mountain walks are undertaken by Years 5 and 6, allowing our children to experience the challenges and rewards of mountain expeditions in a safe and supportive environment.
Our Physical Education Curriculum is high quality, well thought out and is planned to demonstrate progression. Within lessons, there are opportunities for formative assessment, that is ongoing throughout each lesson. It judges progress and enables the teacher to make flexible adaptations to their planned teaching. Through this regular ongoing assessment, tasks are matched to the ability of each child through differentiated activities, adult support, thus providing a level of challenge that is stimulating for pupils and questioning skills.
Through our Physical Education curriculum, we will be assessing children against the national curriculum where children can be assessed at: Working Towards Age Related Expectations, Working At Age Related expectations and Working Above Age Related Expectations that is known as Greater Depth.