The history curriculum at Appleby Primary School provides children with a coherent, chronological knowledge of the history of Britain and the wider world, through the framework of three concepts. These concepts provide both a concrete lens through which to study and contextualise history, as well as use small steps to help pupils to gain a deep understanding of complex, abstract ideas:
How would people have communicated? What would people’s lives been like? What was believed, what was known? What scientific and technological advances are made at the time? What major events happened occurred? Which important figures lived at that time and how did they impact the world?
Can events be placed in chronological order? Can a timeline be sequenced for primary and secondary sources? Can events be described including their date? What were the different time periods that existed for different groups which inhabited Britain?
How can artefacts help us learn about the past? Can different sources of evidence be used to answer a question? Why may evidence be challenging to use? Can artefacts and historical sources be used to create a hypothesis?
We intend to embed core disciplinary knowledge, and the ability to approach challenging, historically-valid enquiry questions.
Our curriculum is designed in a way which creates excitement for history, that inspires a curiosity to learn more about the past and provides opportunities to see themselves reflected in the curriculum.
Teachers are provided with additional time in addition to their PPA, to plan and develop their curriculum. Teachers plan with the three historical concepts in mind and understand the end point. As part of this planning process, teachers plan the following:
Our History Curriculum is high quality, well sequenced and planned to demonstrate progression. We believe that if children are keeping up with the curriculum, they are deemed to be making good or better progress. In addition, we measure the impact of our curriculum through the following methods:
Our history curriculum is also planned in a way which promotes the cultural capital of all our children. We enhance our curriculum especially for the most disadvantaged by organising speakers and visitors, organising History days which focus on key historical events and promote careers in history. We also provide additional opportunities such as school trips to enrich pupils' understanding and provide context through first-hand experiences.