
Appleby Primary School

Appleby Primary School

Class 1

During the first 48 hours of self-isolation, it is likely that you or your child may feel too unwell to tackle schoolwork, nor should this be a priority.  However, here are some activities your child can do if they are well enough to continue their learning whilst awaiting test results or while their class teacher is putting home learning in place. 


  • Reading - 30 minutes daily reading and talking about the text. Discuss tricky words, make predictions about the text and retell it.  Also, see the high-frequency words list below, children should practise reading and spelling these words often. 
  • Maths - Please see the Robot Monsters maths investigation or Twinkl activity book below and logon to Numbots for 30 minutes of maths fluency practice. 
  • Phonics - 30 minutes on Teach your Monster to read, phonics bloom or phonics play. https://  /
  • Writing - Draw a picture of a pet or a favourite character from a book, TV show or film. Describe them in full sentences using lots of adjectives. Describe their appearance, their interests and their personality too.
Welcome to Appleby Primary School