Membership: Sarah Lightfoot, Terry Caygill, David Spruce, Amy Wilby, Kathy O'Sullivan
Chairperson: Sarah Lightfoot
The Teaching and Learning Committee takes responsibility for the following delegated activities. In these areas the committee has the power to act on behalf of the governing body and will give progress reports:
Plan, monitor and evaluate school improvement plan areas linked to curriculum.
Review pupil progress and recommend targets
Ensure curriculum is accessible to all pupils
Monitor/evaluate/know of extra curricular activity
Keep updated on changes/progress in educational strategies.
Access and Inclusion
Monitor SEND and G&T within school through consultation with SENDCO.
Ensure school is following current updated policy for SEN and G&T
Monitor SEN and G&T resources within school (through audit)
Implement and review school accessibility policy
Review school’s behaviour policy
Arrange consultation on behaviour policy.
Act as a pool for pupil discipline issues
Evaluate and review home/school agreement with staff and parents.
Set and review school’s inclusion policy
Monitor staff absences
Appointment of staff; headteacher, teachers – delegate appointment of non teaching staff to headteacher
Monitor staffing levels of teaching assistants.
Staff contact time
Review and monitor equal opportunities policy
In relation to the following non-delegated activities, the committee will make recommendation to the full governing body.
Special Educational Needs