
Appleby Primary School

Appleby Primary School

Mrs Hearn

Welcome to Reception Class.

Autumn 2024

Our first theme this term is ‘Me and My Community’.  Children will revisit health and self-care skills and how to look after themselves at school. The children will learn about their families and make comparisons about different children in their class. Children will learn about what makes them individual. They will learn about where they live and where Appleby is in the UK and the World. During the second half of the term our theme is 'Celebrations & Creatures of the Woods' They will begin to explore festivals around the world, making comparisons between Diwali, Fireworks night and Christmas.  To learn where in the world these festivals take place. To explore the woodland environment learning about the animals that live there and their habitats.  


We will be using Little Wandle letters and sounds revised phonics programme.  The children will first bring home a reading for pleasure book for you to share, this is for you to read to them and enjoy reading together. Once the children have mastered blending and recognise the first 6 phonemes, they will be given a practice book. The children will be bringing home a new practice book each week to show of their reading skills.   Please read with your child at least 3 times a week and comment in their reading diary. There is lots of information for parents on how you can support your child on the Little Wandle Website.   


We will be following the NCETM Mastering Number programme. This is a mastery approach where children engage in practical activities focusing on subitising, counting, cardinality, ordinality and composition.   Shape Space and Measure will be taught using White Rose Maths.


Our focus this term will be on learning phase 2 phonemes, how to blend and begin to read tricky words. 

1st Half Term

Week 1 s a t p

Week 2 i n m d

Week 3 g o c k is

Week 4 ck e u r I

Week 5 h b f l the

2nd Half Term 

Week 1 ff ll ss j put* pull* full* as

Week 2 v w x y and has his her

Week 3 z zz qu words with –s /s/ added at the end (hats sits) ch go no to into

Week 4 sh th ng nk she push* he of

Week 5 • words with –s /s/ added at the end (hats sits) • words ending in s /z/ (his) and with –s /z/ added at the end (bags) we me be

Your child will be bringing home a home learning sheet each week with the phonemes we have learnt, for you to practise.



We will be focusing on good pencil grips and the correct formation of graphemes. Children will practice segmenting sounds for writing in small groups.  Writing is encouraged throughout the day in continuous provision.  Each morning we will practise writing names using the correct upper and lower case letters.  


On Wednesday mornings Lucy a PE specialists will be coming to take our PE session. The children will be learning about what effect exercise has on their bodies and the importance of keeping healthy.    After Half term we will move our PE slot to a Friday morning using the apparatus working to work on our balancing and climbing skills.  

Forest School 

This will be every Monday afternoon.  Make sure children have the correct kit as listed in the induction booklet.   We will go out whatever the weather so be prepared for muddy children!  They will go home in their kit so it can be dried for the next week.  


We will be singing familiar songs and building up a repertoire of new songs. We will also explore the musical instruments and play along to the songs we learn.   At the end of the Autumn term we will treat you to a nativity play performed by the children.  

Welcome to Appleby Primary School