Membership: Freddie Potts, David Spruce, Carol Barker, Aelswith Parker, Charlotte Birtles, Jonny Miller, Andrew Sterling, Debra Irving (Associate Member)
Chairperson: Charlotte Birtles
The Finance, Health & Safety Committee takes responsibility for the following delegated activities. In these areas the committee has the power to act on behalf of the governing body and will give progress reports:
Health and Safety
Compile and audit risk assessments
Arrange rolling programme of reviews
Liaise with external agencies
Draft school budget for year for approval by Governing Body
Plan priorities for expenditure for year
Plan for capital build and soliciting tenders etc
Plan for the purchase of equipment
Updating library resources (financial implications)
Work in partnership with staff to ensure adequate resources for any appointments/pay increases/workforce reform implications
Planning for expenditure for routine maintenance
Write policy for delegated spending for the school
Work within best value
Monitor budget expenditure
Monitor general maintenance issues and decide on priorities for work on premises linked to budget
Decide priorities / plan the premises budget on an annual basis
Make decisions on school contracts for premises maintenance following rules of best value
Buildings and Grounds Maintenance
Regularly monitor quality, progress and making assessments of performance when contract renewal dates imminent
Decide grounds maintenance in line with premises maintenance
Liaise with LA on future building plans.
Seek and apply for funding for premises that may be available from appropriate organisation
Devise and monitor accessibility plan.
Annually review pay of staff in school
Pay awards in line with performance management recommendations.
Write & review pay policy
Establish pay appeals sub committee
Explore rental/use of school buildings by other bodies, promote availability/decide on changes and monitor use
Promote and monitor extended school provision, eg nursery, out of school club
Investigate use of school during out of school hours
Identify and monitor areas for collaboration with other schools
Produce draft publicity/PR procedure/policy
Monitor style/corporateness of materials
Liaison with other providers
Non Delegated (in these areas the committee will make recommendations to the governing body)
Health & Safety
Establish and review health & safety policy annually
Buildings & Grounds Maintenance
Decide plan, budget etc longer term building work
Liaise with local media