Welcome back! Year 5 are looking forward to a very busy spring term.
Our topic this term is North America. We will be studying the continent and the countries within it. We will be looking at both the physical and human geography of specific countries with a particular focus on the USA.
In Science our topic this term in Living Things including Humans where will learn how to classify living things based upon observable characteristics and how our circulatory system works. In science our focus will be using the scientific knowledge that we learn and the skills that we develop to problem solve. We will also plan and conduct fair tests to draw conclusions about how our circulatory system works.
In maths we will continue to focus on developing our mental arithmetic skills and problem solving using number. In calculation we will be learning written methods for long multiplication and short division before moving on to fractions, decimals and percentages.
In English our text will be the Last Bear by Hannah Gold. This is the story of a little girl who travels with her scientist father to Bear Island and discovers that they are not there alone! We will use the text for shared, whole class reading, to extend our spelling and grammar and to develop our key creative writing skills.
PE will be on Monday and Tuesday and the children will need both indoor and outdoor kit. Can you please pack warm clothes including joggers, a hat and gloves as the weather can be extremely cold in the early part of the spring term.
Maths homework will be given on Wednesday and needs to be handed in by the following Monday and spelling will be given on Friday and will need to be practiced throughout the week (including the spelling activities ) ready for our spelling test the following Friday.