
Appleby Primary School

Appleby Primary School

Welcome Message

In Year 5 we are preparing ourselves for a very busy term!


In maths we will continue to use the White Rose mastery approach to develop our key skills to solve problems and puzzles. Our key focus will be developing strategies for mental arithmetic using daily Fluent in Five sessions to help us.  Maintaining confident and rapid recall of our times tables (using times Tables Rock Stars to help us) will remain a key part of this in Year 5.  Our other key focus will be written calculation, and in particular multiplication and division.


Our science topics this term are light and how we see and electricity.  We will look at how they eye works and the role that light plays in this.  We will also look at how light travels and how shadows are made.  We will conduct investigations to test scientific ideas and theories and will use ICT to present our results in line and scatter graphs.


Our history topic is Ancient Greece.  We will learn about the historical heritage of Greece and will plan and complete a range of activities to develop our history and geography keys skills. Where possible, we will be taking an enquiry led approach to our topic work.  To complete their independent projects the children will generate their own questions and plan and conduct their own research using a variety of information sources. 


In English we will be studying a range of Greek Myths from The Odyssey. We will be using these ancient myths as the basis of our writing to help us create diaries, letters, newspaper reports and some myths of our own.  Our whole class reading text will be Percy Jackson and the Greek Heroes and we will use these reading sessions to hone our comprehension skills, including our written responses and to consolidate and extend our SPAG skills.


PE this term will be gymnastics and outdoor games and the children will need there full outdoor and indoor kit (plain back shorts, joggers, sweatshirt of hoodie, a plain white T-shirt and trainers) in school every day so we can be flexible and are prepared for all weather conditions.   Please ensure that your child has unbranded PE kit in the correct colours.  It would be very helpful if these items, in addition to their school uniform and coat, was clearly named. PE will usually be on Monday and Tuesday afternoons.


Water bottles, stationery and pencil cases will be provided so the children do not need to bring any of these items from home. 



Mrs Bolton will give spelling homework on Friday to help prepare for our spelling test on the following Friday. 

Maths homework will be given out on Wednesday be completed over the weekend and handed in on the following Monday.

In addition to this the children need to read aloud to an adult for around 15 minutes three times a week and learn their times tables up to 12 x 12.

Welcome to Appleby Primary School