Welcome to Year 4!
Spring Term 2024/25
General information for Year 4:
School will begin at 8.45am and finish at 3.15pm.
Water bottles and all school equipment, including pencil cases, will be provided by school.
Please ensure all break time snacks continue to be in line with our healthy food policy: https://www.applebyprimary.cumbria.sch.uk/school-meals/
English: We will be reading The Leopard Boy by Julia Johnson where we will explore key features of non-fiction text and learning how to identify features of persuasive writing, leading up to writing our own persuasive writing piece.
Maths: In Maths this term, we will be using the White Rose scheme to develop confidence in Shape. We will also practise ‘fluent in 5’ challenges to build mathematical fluency and develop reasoning skills.
Times tables: At the end of Year 4, there is a statutory multiplication tables check, focussing on all times tables from 1x1 up to 12x12. In order to best prepare for this, regular times tables practise will take place in class, developing both fluency and speed with times tables. I have sent home a login and stuck a login in reading records for the Twinkl Maths app where the children can practice and improve their times table fluency. Please try to use this at home as much as possible. You can access it by searching 'Twinkl Learner Login- Type in user/password- Maths- Multiplication Times Table Check'.
Geography: This term in our Geography Learning we will be learning about Rivers of Britain: How do rivers influence land use in the UK? We will be focusing on improving our Geographical Knowledge and Enquiry skills and investigating the difference between Human and Physical Geography. This will include a trip to visit River Eden with the Eden Rivers Trust!
Science: This half term, our theme is Animals including Humans. We will explore the importance of a balanced diet, how nutrients are transported within humans and animals and the muscular and skeletal system of humans!
Art and Design: Our Art and Design work this half term will focus on 'The Art of Display' we will be developing skills in sculpture, drawing, creative thinking and sketchbooks.
Computing: We will be exploring the basics of networking and the internet, how to create presentations using sound recordings and manipulating text to change fonts/size/underlining/bold.
PE: Children will have PE sessions twice a week. PE kits should be brought in on a Monday and taken home on a Friday. Children should bring both outdoor and indoor clothing and shoes as we will be going outdoors as much as the weather permits. Please make sure all kit is named. Earrings and jewellery must be removed for PE and your child must be able to do this for themselves. PE kit consists of a plain white t-shirt, black shorts/leggings/joggers and a plain black hoodie if necessary, with suitable trainers. Please note that your child will not be able to participate in PE without the correct kit. Our PE days this term are Wednesday and Thursday Afternoons!
PSHE: This term’s themes in Jigsaw PSHE are ‘Dreams and Goals'. Please do not hesitate to send me a message on Class Dojo if you wish to access lesson plans via the Jigsaw parent portal.
Music: Garry Linsley will be teaching music to Year 4 this year. The children will learn how to play the recorder and participate in a number of activities that develop their confidence and rhythmic skill.
Design and Technology: This term, we will be discussing the importance of a healthy diet, studying the Eatwell guide and exploring the skills involved in cooking and nutrition.
Homework: The children will receive their weekly homework on a Friday. All Homework will be due the following Friday. Please can children bring their reading records to be checked on a Monday. I have introduced a reward system where the children can get a sticker on their reading chart if they read 3 times a week, and two if they read 5 times a week.
If you wish to contact me with any questions, please use this class page and the ‘contact Miss Scott’ link, or use our class dojo as a messaging system.
Alternatively, please see me at the gate if you wish to discuss any queries in person.
I am looking forward to working with you!
Miss Scott