Tuesday started a bit later than yesterday and the day before as breakfast was at nine so we had caught up on the lack of sleep from Sunday night by getting an early night and having a bit of a lie-in.
We all filled up on bread, cheese, sausages and biscuits for the day ahead.
Our walk to school took about ten minutes and we caught a glimpse of what a beautiful city we are visiting. On arrival at school, we were treated to a show. The host school had prepared special dances for each visiting country with a bit of ballroom for England, Despacito for Spain and some traditional Cypriot music too. There was singing and dancing and an overall message of tolerance and togetherness; a really emotional morning.
Then it was a quick presentation about the school before the children split into groups and got to know their Polish counterparts. We then enjoyed a tour of the school before heading back to the hotel for lunch: mushroom soup and traditional polish dumplings.
After lunch we headed to a clay workshop to make clay hangings. Everyone had a go although Mr Caygill’s elaborate design of woven rope, shaped into a heart, looked like something you should pick up after your dog has been for a walk! N’s pen-holder in the shape of a heart was lovely as was Ly’s in the shape of a lamb and a chick - very appropriate for the Easter pen-holder market! J was very thoughtful and made an Easter egg Erasmus/ Poland hanging and Lu’s design was a triangle with his name and the Erasmus logo on too. Miss Dickinson made a heart shaped one and an Erasmus one too.
We then had some free time before our evening meal. Tonight, it was . . . PIZZA. Hurrah! Everyone seemed happy with this meal!
After that, it was amazing to see all the children, and staff, joining in with songs and dances and really bonding as a group. Laughing together and having fun. Thankfully, tired children are now in bed!