Class 3 have welcomed Kingfisher Education into their class to come and talk about the water system; how United Utilities are helping keep their water clean and how they can save water.
After they completed a Science investigation, the class were shocked to find that Biodegradable ‘Flushable wipes’ don’t break down like toilet paper, and learned that it’s better to put them in the bin. They were horrified at the blockages of fat in the sewers from cooked meats and were relieved to find that the workers that have to manually unblock the sewers were protected with safety clothing.
They all understood that only the three P’s are allowed down the toilet: pee, poo and paper.
They enjoyed using their knowledge of the water system to organise event cards correctly, with the extra challenge of adding the water treatment sections to the water cycle.
Reservoir safety was learned after hearing the story of Dylan Ramsay, who died from ‘Cold Water Shock’ while swimming in a reservoir, during a heatwave. The children were taught not to swim anywhere without a working lifeguard.
Understanding that many countries have to walk for hours each day to get enough for only a litre of dirty water each, helped children to realise how lucky they are to have clean, running water; especially as they learned that on average, most people in the UK use around 150 litres each, per day.
They made promises about how they would save water themselves.