After a fun-filled breakfast, where LCr couldn’t manage to spread her butter (because she was using her fork) and the phrase of the day became: “Excuse me, I’m here to participate”. We headed to school to share our traditional games. First we shared our ‘traditional’ parachute game which everyone seemed to love. Next We played ‘let’s play the week’ game which we learned from our Romanian friends you had to stand in a circle and rest your hands on your neighbour’s hands. You then slapped the hand of your neighbour and went round the circle naming days if the week until you got to Saturday. If you slapped that person’s hand they were our but if that person pulled their hand away then the person slapping would be out. The weather was absolutely gorgeous -nice and warm and ideal for playing games.
Lunch was pizza in school - it was delivered in about 50 pizza boxes and was very nice (ham, mushroom and olive - Mr Caygill’s favourite!)
Soon it was time to head to a museum of traditional Romanian life in a nearby village. We entered a house set up as it would have been in the past. We were entertained by a group of ladies who were embroidering, singing and dancing (multi-tasking in the extreme - needless to say that there were no men involved as we can’t multitask; I’m actually struggling to write this and breath at the same time! Then we enjoyed some orange-flavoured breads filled with a type of cottage cheese which AJ and LCo gobbled down in one!? Some of the ladies/girls needed to spend a penny so were led to a traditional toilet where they hovered as briefly as possible! Then we were embroidering up a storm, making some traditional embroidered mats. HL has her photo taken while we were there with a very interesting look on her face which we then all recreated - it was very funny.
Soon it was time to return to Vaslui, where we hit the shops! Our shopping consisted of . . . Wait for it . . . CHOCOLATE!
After a bit of down-time in our rooms, we had a quiet supper/tea (depending on if you’re of a farming background on not) and all ate a decent amount. Then, as we were all so tired, we thought we’d play Twister - yes, really!
Soon it’ll be time for bed as we are setting off at eight in the morning for our trip to Iasi (pronounced ‘Yash’ not ‘Lassie’ as Mrs Johnston and Mr Caygill thought!)
We’ve had a great day which has been filled with great experiences for everyone involved
Question of the day: what was your favourite part of the day?
LCr LCo: the old woman pretending to sew
HL: the old woman singing
AJ: the toilet.
As I keep saying - Culture Vultures!