
Appleby Primary School

Appleby Primary School

Christmas Craft Day a Festive Success

At Appleby Primary School, Christmas Craft Day is an annual event anticipated with great excitement each year as December approaches. 


This year, as in 2020, Christmas Craft Day did not involve the mixing of classes that we are used to. However, with the reduction of mixing between classes a necessary part of our current control systems in operation, teachers worked hard to ensure that children continued to experience the usual festive fun and fantastic art work. 


As ever, children produced a range of stunning works of art from painted glass to clay sculptures. Each class also produced a beautiful festive display for our school hall on this year's theme of "Light". The displays will remain in place until after Christmas and will add to the Christmas ambiance at our upcoming Nativity productions. 


We would like to thank all those parents and members of our community who helped on the day. As ever, we also came to school in our Christmas Jumpers and raised money for the NSPCC's Chistmas Jumper appeal. 

Welcome to Appleby Primary School