This morning was a very early start: 7:15 breakfast and check-out at 8:00. We then went on a epic tour of Historic Kraków. We visited: St Mary’s square (the largest square in Europe), the castle, a cathedral and the university. We went to the top of the tower in the cathedral and had spectacular views of the city below! We also touched the bell and made a wish - not everyone could reach it however and some needed a helping hand from Mr Caygill. Ly and J were very enthusiastic throughout and were often at the front asking the guide more and more questions. Lu and N were further back, chatting and looking forwards to their Starbucks!
We all needed a little sit down after walking four and a half miles by half eleven so it was hot chocolates, coffees and muffins all round!
Next we caught the coach to the salt mine and had lunch. Starter was soup and the main was a bit like if a sausage roll and a spring roll and a cabbage roll had a baby - that’s what it was like! Everyone tried it and it was good to see our kids giving the traditional Polish cuisine a try.
Then we headed to the salt mine, which is unlike anything we’ve ever seen before. First we descended 380 steps to start the tour but did a whopping 786 steps by the end! Inside the mine there were an amazing 26 chapels underground for the miners to worship in with St Kinga’s chapel being the largest at 12m high and taking 100 years to build - people actually still get married there although we were slightly concerned about how someone might get their aged aunt down all those stairs! A chandelier in the chapel was made entirely of rock salt, including 800 pieces and taking eight months to build. By this point we had walked over eight miles so we’re looking forward to a little sit down.
Our coach journey, for the next leg of our trip, took 2 hours and we finally arrived in Biecz and checked in to our hotel. All ready for tomorrow now.