We began our day slightly later today in the girls area of the camp, as they were very sleepy, although the boys were up bright and early. Once they had managed to escape their beds and have a shower we had a swift breakfast before heading to Algaba. A nature reserve and prehistoric settlement near our base in Ronda.
Once we arrived, we met lots of local wildlife including domestic pets, bees, donkeys and golden pigs (which we later discovered are almost extinct). After a walk through the stunning woods filled with Oaks and Cork-Oaks we arrived at the replica neolithic settlement. N and W had the chance to grind some acorns into flour and we all had a look at prehistoric axes and knives made from stone. When we arrived back at the centre we made felt bracelets, W managed to swap his with a boy from our host school. Next we headed back for a well needed lunch and some traditional games courtesy of our Erasmus friends.
We saw a wide range of traditional crafts, from a pinball machine perfected over generations to bobbin lacework and corn husk dolls. The children enjoyed learning to play traditional games with wool and making keyrings as well giving our pom-pom dolls to our partner schools and introducing the children to a new elastics rhyme.
After a quick costume change, we headed into town to have a flamenco and castanet lesson. Even the teachers joined in, although the children did a far better job of the dance than we could. Finally, absolutely exhausted we had burgers in for tea in a local restaurant then headed back for a story and bed.